MusicusCrimes of the Future (2022)
MusicusLe prince oublié (2020)
MusicusDenial (2016)
MusicusPete's Dragon (2016)
MusicusSilence (2016)
MusicusSpotlight (2015)
MusicusThe Hobbit: The Battle Of The Five Armies (2014)
MusicusThe Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (2013)
MusicusThe Wolf of Wall Street (2013)
MusicusCosmopolis (2012)
MusicusThe Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012)
MusicusA Dangerous Method (2011)
MusicusHugo (2011)
MusicusEdge of Darkness (2010)
MusicusThe Twilight Saga: Eclipse (2010)
MusicusDoubt (2008)
MusicusThe Betrayal - Nerakhoon (2008)
MusicusEastern Promises (2007)
MusicusThe Last Mimzy (2007)
MusicusThe Departed (2006)
MusicusA History of Violence (2005)
MusicusKing Kong (2005)
MusicusThe Aviator (2004)
MusicusThe Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)
MusicusPanic Room (2002)
MusicusSpider (2002)
MusicusThe Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
MusicusThe Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
MusicusThe Score (2001)
MusicusHigh Fidelity (2000)
MusicusThe Cell (2000)
MusicusThe Yards (2000)
MusicusAnalyze This (1999)
MusicusDogma (1999)
MusicuseXistenZ (1999)
MusicusGloria (1999) (1998)
MusicusCop Land (1997)
MusicusThe Game (1997)
MusicusBefore And After (1996)
MusicusCrash (1996) (1996)
MusicusLooking For Richard (1996)
MusicusRansom (1996)
MusicusStriptease (1996)
MusicusThat Thing You Do! (1996)
MusicusThe Truth About Cats & Dogs (1996)
MusicusMoonlight and Valentino (1995)
MusicusSe7en (1995)
MusicusEd Wood (1994)
MusicusNobody's Fool (1994) (1994)
MusicusThe Client (1994)
MusicusGuilty as Sin (1993)
MusicusMrs. Doubtfire (1993)
MusicusSliver (1993)
MusicusA Kiss Before Dying (1991)
MusicusNaked Lunch (1991)
MusicusThe Silence of the Lambs (1991)
MusicusShe-Devil (1989)
MusicusDead Ringers (1988)
MusicusThe Fly (1986)
MusicusVideodrome (1983)
MusicusScanners (1981)
MusicusThe Brood (1979)